niedziela, lipca 02, 2006

Jak zarobić na wirtualnym świecie

Świat powoli zmierza w kierunku uregulowania obrotu wirtualnymi przedmiotami fanów sieciowych gier komputerowych. Aby zapobiec nadużyciom w handlu artefaktami oraz sporo zarobić - prowizja wynosi aż 10%! ) Sony utworzyło dla graczy Everquest II platformę handlową, dzięki której gracze mogą handlowac przedmiotami zdobytymi w trakcie gry.

Kilka wycinków z Q&A , które mogą budzić zaciekawienie prawników :

Will I now own EverQuest II characters, items and/or coin?

No. The User Agreement and Software License, to which you agreed when you installed the game and to which you agree every time you launch the game, makes it clear that you have no ownership rights in characters, items and coin -- what you have is the right to use them in accordance with the license agreement, the rules of conduct of the game, and SOE's terms of service. When SOE launches Station Exchange, SOE will permit you to "sell" and "buy" that right to use characters, items and coin. In "lawyerese," you will be buying and/or selling a limited license right, not an ownership right.

Are there any other charges?

Yes, SOE will charge you a 10% service charge on the total amount of any completed transaction – plus applicable sales tax on the service charge amount (not sales tax on the entire transaction amount). For instance, if a transaction closes at $100, SOE will charge you $10.00, plus sales tax on the $10.00, subtract that from the $100, and remit the remainder to your PayPal account.

Station Exchange: The Official Secure Marketplace for EverQuest II Players

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